Artist Journey

As a Black, queer, and immigrant artist, I’ve always sought to explore my identity, honor my heritage, and connect with the stories of my ancestors, stories that live in me, even when history has left no records behind. Approximately eight years ago, I took a genealogy test that revealed fragments of my ancestry: roots spanning Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and Indigenous America. That discovery sparked something profound within me, a desire to weave these fragmented threads into a tapestry of belonging and self-discovery. This journey has also been shaped by my experiences navigating mental illness, including ADHD, anxiety, OCD, depression, PTSD and my autism diagnosis (misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder), which have profoundly influenced the way I view resilience, connection, and creativity.

"Threads of Ancestral Light" is the result of that journey. This collection is my way of honoring the stories I’ll never fully know while celebrating the richness of the cultures and histories that shape who I am. Through vibrant textures, golden light, and symbolic patterns, I explore migration, resilience, and the spiritual ties that connect us to one another across time and space.

For me, this work is more than art, it’s an offering. It’s a reflection of my journey to reclaim what was lost, to find beauty in what remains, and to create something new that can inspire others to embrace their own stories.